Using ChatGPT for Sales in 2024: Key Prompts + Best Practices

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How Does ChatGPT Work? What It Can + Can’t Do

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence language model trained on a vast dataset of text from the internet. This dataset enables it to understand user prompts or questions and generate human-like responses with remarkable accuracy.

Think of ChatGPT as your digital assistant.

This AI technology facilitates dynamic, contextually relevant interactions. With each response building upon the previous one, ChatGPT progressively sharpens its ability to understand and address user inquiries more effectively with every interaction.

ChatGPT can:

  • Organize Textual Inputs: Simplify your notes, summaries, or descriptions of sales data. ChatGPT can process the text-based information you provide and transform it into manageable insights for sales teams.
  • Provide Information: From product details to market trends, it can furnish sales teams with a breadth of knowledge across various domains.
  • Engage in Conversations: Whether answering client queries or brainstorming with your team, ChatGPT helps maintain a seamless flow of dialogue.
  • Generate Content: Need a persuasive email or a creative sales pitch? ChatGPT can produce text tailored to your specific requirements.
  • Offer Suggestions: From improving sales strategies to recommending follow-up actions, it’s like having a virtual brainstorming partner.
  • Assist with Language Tasks: Expanding your reach means dealing with different languages, and ChatGPT can assist in translation and paraphrasing to keep your message clear and universal.

ChatGPT can’t:

  • Ensure Perfect Accuracy: While it aims to be reliable, ChatGPT isn’t infallible. Its outputs require human verification, especially when precision is paramount.
  • Substitute Expertise: For all its intelligence, ChatGPT isn’t a replacement for professional judgment. It’s a tool to augment, not replace, human expertise.
  • Access Real-time Data: ChatGPT’s knowledge is vast but static, limited to its training data. It cannot fetch or interpret live data or events happening post-training, meaning it often doesn’t have up-to-date information and may be outdated.
  • Handle Personal Data: It doesn’t manage personal or sensitive information without explicit input, prioritizing user privacy and security.
  • Grasp Complex Emotions: Although its conversation intelligence can mimic human interactions, understanding deep emotional contexts or feelings is beyond its scope.
  • Allow Users to Upload Files: You can’t upload items to ChatGPT or have it read and interpret images with the freemium version of ChatGPT. It can only accept text inputs and respond in plain text.

What Can ChatGPT Plus Do?

For those seeking an elevated experience, OpenAI offers ChatGPT Plus (or ChatGPT 4), a premium subscription service. It allows you to:

  • Upload Files & Organize Data: Attach files such as spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Salesforce reports, etc., for ChatGPT to simplify or analyze. For example, if you upload a Google Sheet with sales data, you can ask ChatGPT Plus to create a visual graph of the numbers.
  • Multimodal Analysis and Generation: Powered by OpenAI’s powerful text-to-speech and text-to-image models, ChatGPT Plus can recognize and create both speech and visual content,  broadening the scope of content creation.
  • Receive Better Answers: Expect more nuanced interactions, quicker response times, and priority access—ensuring that your sales teams receive the support they need exactly when they need it.

However, many of the above limitations still apply. In fact, its advanced capabilities may introduce further complexities to your team’s workflow. For instance, reviewing and adjusting generated images or speech content may actually add more time than it saves.

So, what does this mean for your sales team?

ChatGPT’s unique strengths and limitations can play a pivotal role in revolutionizing B2B sales.

Let’s explore how it unlocks both unprecedented opportunities and challenges worth navigating.

Why Use ChatGPT for B2B Sales? Benefits + Risks

Staying ahead isn’t just about having a great product—it’s about how you sell it. ChatGPT, with its conversational AI prowess, stands to supercharge your sales strategy.

Using ChatGPT for sales offers multiple benefits, such as:

  • Efficiency at Scale: ChatGPT can create text in mere seconds, streamlining routine tasks such as drafting lead qualification questions and the text for follow-up emails. This frees up time for each sales rep to concentrate on what they do best—selling.
  • Insightful Analysis & Suggestions: ChatGPT can provide suggestions based on vast pre-trained knowledge, aiding sales leaders in organizational strategy development and helping reps with tactics to close deals. This leads to more informed decisions and enhanced sales performance.
  • Personalized Communication: ChatGPT excels in generating customized communication, like an email or sales script, tailoring every touchpoint to the prospect’s needs and interests.

However, there are risks to consider, including:

  • Accuracy Concerns: While ChatGPT can process and generate vast amounts of information, it may not always provide the most current updates the same way a live Google search will. Enhanced versions (e.g., ChatGPT Plus or integrated custom solutions) can offer relevant, up-to-date information, but it’s still not immune to producing inaccuracies. Sales teams must be vigilant and verify data, especially when it impacts customer relationships.
  • Social Interaction Limitations: ChatGPT may sometimes miss the mark on understanding the full spectrum of human emotions and social cues, a gap that could affect the depth of customer engagement.
  • Database Dependency: Without direct access to an up-to-date customer database, ChatGPT's ability to deliver personalized content is hampered, potentially impacting the relevance of its outputs.
  • Data Security: As with any tool handling company and customer data, there's a risk of security breaches, underscoring the need for stringent data protection measures.
  • Need for Oversight: The reliance on continuous monitoring to mitigate these risks might seem counterintuitive to the goal of increasing efficiency through automation.

Balancing the innovative use of ChatGPT with mindful management of these risks is crucial for leveraging its full potential in sales.

But how do you start reaping the benefits?

Let’s delve into how to leverage ChatGPT in your daily sales activities, turning insight into action.

The Top 6 Ways to Use ChatGPT for Sales + Examples/Prompts

Here are some practical ChatGPT sales prompt examples to help sales professionals get the most out of this AI tool:

1. Research Target Personas and Industries

Understanding your audience is paramount for sharpening your sales strategy. ChatGPT can be an invaluable ally in gathering intelligence on your target personas and industries, offering a springboard into deeper market insights and customer profiles.

Begin by inputting any relevant sales data and ask ChatGPT to sift through and organize this information.

Remember, while ChatGPT can access a vast pool of data, its insights are limited to its pre-existing training and cannot replace human judgment. The accuracy of generative AI can vary, particularly with information you didn’t directly input.

Treat the responses ChatGPT provides as an initial step. Manually reviewing and fact-checking ChatGPT’s outputs is essential to ensure accuracy and applicability.

Identify your target persona using prompts such as:

  • “What are the primary concerns of [job title]?”
  • “In what ways does [job title] measure success in their position?”

Next, research the industry with prompts like:

  • “Which trends are currently dominating [industry]?”
  • “Identify the leading figures or companies in [industry].”

Note: Consider each example prompt we provide as a starting point only. It’s imperative to customize any queries to your unique sales goals and context to yield more relevant and precise responses.

2. Conduct Competitive Research

In the high-stakes game of B2B sales, knowing your competitors is as crucial as knowing your own product. ChatGPT can serve as a strategic tool, diving deep into the competitive landscape to bring you insights that could give you an edge. It’s about understanding strengths, weaknesses, and their moves in your shared market space.

By feeding ChatGPT targeted prompts, you can unveil a wealth of competitive intelligence, from market positioning to innovation trends. Again, treat this information as a starting point only. Direct verification and analysis are key.

Example Prompts:

  • “Summarize the latest strategies used by [competitor name] in [industry].”
  • "Compare the product offerings of [competitor name] with ours.”
  • “What recent market trends have [competitor name] capitalized on?”

3. Come Up with Lead-Qualifying Questions

Qualifying potential leads is a critical step in the sales process, ensuring your team focuses on prospects with the highest conversion potential. ChatGPT, with its generative AI capabilities, can assist in crafting precise lead-qualifying questions. For example, these questions can help gauge a prospect’s need, budget, authority, and timeline if you’re using BANT as your sales strategy.

Generate a series of targeted questions that delve into the specifics of a prospect’s situation to give your sales team valuable insights into effectively tailoring their approach. Review, select, and tailor the best questions to fit your situation and strategy.

Example Prompts:

  • “Generate a list of questions to determine a prospect’s budget for [product/service].”
  • “What questions should I ask to understand a prospect’s decision-making process in [industry]?”
  • “Create lead-qualifying questions that identify the timeline for implementation for a [product/service].”

4. Crafting Emails/Outbound Messaging

Crafting resonant outbound messaging, from cold call scripts to emails, is vital in any sales strategy. ChatGPT, with its advanced generative AI capabilities, offers a creative edge by creating compelling content that can significantly boost engagement rates.

Sales teams can leverage ChatGPT to produce personalized, attention-grabbing content tailored to the recipient’s industry, challenges, and potential needs.

Additionally, ChatGPT can assist sales representatives in devising follow-up materials that resonate at every step of the customer journey.

Example Prompts:

  • “Create a cold call script for prospects in the [industry], focusing on [specific product/service benefit].”
  • “Generate a cold email template that introduces [product/service] to [target role] in the [industry], highlighting [unique value proposition].”
  • “Draft a sales email for leads who downloaded our whitepaper last week, emphasizing how our solution addresses the challenges discussed.”

It’s crucial to review and refine these initial drafts to ensure contextual relevance. Practice the script with a colleague or have a sales manager assess it and make any necessary adjustments to fully tailor the message to your audience.

5. Sales Training for New Hires

A seasoned sales rep or sales development representative generally won’t need to rely on ChatGPT for tasks like lead qualification. However, it can serve as a valuable training tool for new salespeople, helping them analyze responses to initial contact emails or chat interactions from potential leads.

This AI-driven approach offers a practical way to familiarize novices with gauging interest levels, needs, and potential fit for your product or service.

Lead Qualification Example Prompts:

  • “Based on this chat transcript, what qualifying questions should we ask next to gauge the prospect’s readiness to buy?”
  • “Evaluate the prospect’s responses and suggest the next steps in the sales process.”

You can also boost sales productivity by preparing your team for real-world scenarios using ChatGPT’s conversational AI for roleplaying. Reps can practice their sales pitch, handle objections, and navigate complex customer interactions in a risk-free environment.

Utilize ChatGPT to simulate discussions with prospects from various industries and with different needs and sales objections.

Roleplay Example Prompts:

  • “Simulate a sales conversation with a prospect who’s considering our solution but has worries about the implementation time.”
  • “Roleplay a scenario where the prospect is interested but has budget constraints. How should I address their concerns?”

6. Summarize Notes from a Sales Call

After a sales call, efficiently capturing and summarizing key points and action items is vital for follow-up and internal communication. ChatGPT can help streamline this process by converting detailed notes into concise summaries of the conversation’s most critical aspects.

However, ChatGPT's limitations in this area are worth noting, especially compared to tools specifically designed for sales environments with more sophisticated AI-powered note-taking capabilities.

Nevertheless, ChatGPT can complement these tools, fostering a synergistic approach that enhances call efficiency and sales data management.

Example Prompts:

  • “Summarize the main concerns and questions raised by the prospect during our call about [product/service] by going through these notes.”
  • “Based on these call notes, extract the agreed-upon action items and deadlines.”
  • “Create a brief summary of the sales call for input into our CRM, focusing on potential obstacles and the prospect’s interest level.”

Now you have a few ideas of how to use ChatGPT.

Yet, this is only the beginning. 

The utility of ChatGPT hinges on the quality of your prompts. 

Bearing this in mind, let’s delve into refining your interactions with this powerful tool.

8 Best Practices for Creating Efficient & Effective ChatGPT Prompts

When used thoughtfully, ChatGPT can significantly enhance sales performance, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, your bottom line.

The key lies in mastering prompt engineering—crafting queries that guide this AI tool to deliver precise and actionable results.

Let’s explore how you can optimize your interactions:

1. Identify Use Cases

Start by pinpointing the specific sales activities ChatGPT can impact most.

Whether streamlining outbound sales prospecting efforts, managing prospect inquiries, or crafting responses to common sales objections, understanding your primary needs guides how you deploy ChatGPT.

This focused approach ensures that the sales team can use the tool to focus their efforts where they’re needed most, optimizing your sales process and conserving valuable resources.

2. Be Clear and Specific

The secret to effective ChatGPT prompt engineering hinges on balancing clarity with specificity.

A compact prompt can keep your inputs clear and focused but may lack the precision or detail necessary for generating targeted and impactful content.

The goal is to combine conciseness with enough detail to guide ChatGPT’s output effectively.

For instance, a simple “Compose a follow-up email” is concise but lacks the specificity for meaningful results.

Enhancing this prompt with details—such as the industry, interest level, and specific pain points of a prospect—transforms it into a more powerful request. Equally important is your value proposition—aka what sets your product or service apart and why it’s the best solution for your customers.

Here's an optimal example:

  • “Compose a follow-up email to a prospect in the e-commerce industry who has expressed interest in our product but hasn’t responded to our initial proposal. Highlight key features of our inventory management software, such as real-time tracking and automated replenishment, that directly address common e-commerce inventory challenges. Include a clear call-to-action to schedule a demo.”

This refined approach ensures ChatGPT generates relevant, targeted content that resonates with your prospects, striking the right balance without sacrificing clarity or detail.

3. Provide Starter Prompts

Kickstart your AI-driven sales enablement strategy with a curated collection of starter prompts.

Create a resource page filled with examples and critical information. This will ensure every team member can hit the ground running, streamlining ChatGPT usage and encouraging consistency in quality and approach across every customer interaction.

It’s about setting a solid foundation and then building on it with the unique details that make conversations personal and effective.

4. Include Constraints

It’s crucial to define boundaries where necessary. Include constraints in your prompts, such as tone, length, or specific information to avoid.

For instance, if drafting a sales email, you might specify, “Generate a concise email under 200 words with a professional tone, avoiding pricing details.”

Clarifying what the response should or shouldn’t include fosters more relevant and responsible use of artificial intelligence, ensuring that ChatGPT’s outputs align with your business goals and brand’s voice.

5. Fact-Check Responses

Accuracy is paramount in every sales conversation.

Always manually verify the information generated by ChatGPT, particularly when it involves data not directly supplied by you.

While ChatGPT can significantly enhance your research and outreach efforts, it’s crucial to use it as a complementary tool rather than a sole source of truth. 

This practice ensures the reliability of your sales materials and maintains the integrity of your interactions with every potential customer.

6. Incorporate Roles

To elevate sales training and ensure readiness for any potential customer scenario, use ChatGPT for roleplay by incorporating diverse customer roles and situations. This practice should be a staple in your team's ongoing development, allowing each sales representative to routinely test and refine their approach based on direct feedback and simulation outcomes.

Regularly update the scenarios and roles based on emerging market trends and real customer feedback to keep the roleplay sessions relevant and challenging. Such tweaks ensure your team not only stays adept at handling common objections but also becomes agile in adapting to new sales environments.

7. Continuously Engage, Test, and Adjust

The key to maximizing ChatGPT’s potential in your sales strategy lies in persistent experimentation.

Regularly test different prompts and refine them based on the responses you receive. This iterative process helps you discover the most effective ways to communicate with prospects and clients.

By continuously building on ChatGPT’s outputs, you fine-tune its understanding of your needs, leading to increasingly relevant and impactful assistance. Embrace this dynamic approach so your sales team always stays ahead in the fast-evolving landscape of AI-assisted sales enablement.

8. Leverage AI Integration in CRM Tools

To address ChatGPT’s lack of an in-built customer database, integrate it with CRM tools like Salesforce’s Einstein GPT.

Einstein GPT combines ChatGPT’s generative AI capabilities with Salesforce’s rich source of customer data. This enables you to deliver highly personalized AI-crafted content directly informed by your Salesforce insights, significantly boosting engagement and conversion rates.

However, integrating ChatGPT with your CRM goes beyond just personalizing content. Remember, like with most AI technology, Einstein GPT is only as good as the data you feed it. Disorganized customer information can stall even the most sophisticated AI-driven B2B sales strategies.

Enter Scratchpad: an AI-powered solution designed to streamline your CRM system, ensuring it remains an effective tool for sales success without the bottlenecks.

Unlock AI-Powered Sales Insights with Scratchpad

Scratchpad’s AI-enhanced capabilities are the key to unlocking a smoother, simpler Salesforce experience.

As the ultimate add-on for sales teams, Scratchpad is engineered to amplify collaboration and data visibility. Its seamless integration with your existing Salesforce environment eliminates the hassle of juggling multiple platforms and streamlines pipeline management without disrupting established workflows.

With Scratchpad’s intuitive interface, tracking deal progression, visualizing your sales pipeline, and understanding the dynamics of changes within it becomes effortless. The simplicity of updating vital sales data, coupled with the ability to automate forecasting, empowers your sales strategy to consistently lead the market.

Let’s dive deeper:

  • Transcribe every sales call with Scratchpad’s dynamic AI Sales Assistant, which delivers AI-generated transcripts, summaries, and auto-filled Salesforce fields so you can catch every critical detail.
  • Highlight the moments that matter most with call intelligence to significantly enhance sales training and customer engagement.
  • Simplify your operations with straightforward no-code automations that boost team collaboration, improve data accuracy, and enhance overall pipeline visibility.
  • Use deal spotlights to quickly identify pipeline gaps, ensuring accurate forecasts and guiding you confidently towards quota attainment without surprises.
  • Keep your sales force unified and in sync by managing, sharing, and integrating sales comments and notes directly within Salesforce.
  • Maximize opportunity oversight with Scratchpad Zero Boards, which provides leaders and reps a clear view of compliance issues, ensuring no deal misses its next step or goes without proper follow-up.

ChatGPT: Your Fast Track to B2B Sales Success

ChatGPT for sales is your secret weapon for accelerating the sales process, enriching each customer interaction, and enhancing sales training—all while reducing the need for extensive manual effort.

Yet, AI technology isn’t flawless. 

Leveraging ChatGPT’s effectiveness is not a simple case of set-it-and-forget-it—artificial intelligence requires careful human oversight. From crafting compelling emails to refining lead qualification, continually refining your prompts is essential to achieving the best results from ChatGPT’s capabilities.

Harnessing its full power, though, hinges on maintaining an organized, streamlined pipeline.

This is where Scratchpad steps in, seamlessly integrating with your CRM to enhance sales data management and visibility so no AI insight goes unused.

Don’t miss out — try Scratchpad for free now and maximize the potential of AI-powered tools in your sales arsenal.