What is Salesforce Service GPT and Should You Get It?

What Is Salesforce Service GPT and How Does it Work?

Launched in 2023, Salesforce Service GPT is a generative AI capability designed explicitly for your Service Cloud operations. It incorporates advanced technologies similar to those found in Azure OpenAI, a leading AI service provider.

Imagine this: a powerful AI assistant seamlessly integrated into your existing Salesforce environment, leveraging real-time data to automate personalized responses and empower your service agents.

Service GPT uses real-time data from Salesforce Data Cloud, which unifies customer data from various sources, to provide trusted generative AI content for service interactions.

Interestingly, Service GPT isn't operating in isolation — it's synergistically linked with Salesforce's Sales Cloud. Service GPT, along with Sales GPT, is part of Salesforce’s AI ecosystem.

Service and Sales GPT leverage shared generative AI capabilities to support a full spectrum of customer lifecycle management, from sales to service.

It ensures a unified approach to managing and enhancing customer interactions across various touchpoints.

So, what’s powering Service GPT (and Sales GPT)?

At its core is Einstein GPT, a generative AI component of the Salesforce Einstein platform, built upon the principles of a GPT model.

Einstein GPT leverages machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics from the Salesforce Einstein platform to enhance Salesforce cloud products, including Sales and Service Cloud. That said, Service Cloud can also integrate custom AI models to address unique business challenges and requirements.

Note: As of April 2024, Salesforce has streamlined the branding and naming for its AI offerings. The AI Cloud, Einstein GPT, and other cloud GPT products are now collectively known as "Einstein," consolidating these AI capabilities under a single umbrella brand within the Salesforce AI ecosystem. All the AI features specifically designed for the Service Cloud are collectively branded as “Einstein for Service” or “Service Cloud Einstein”.

5 Key Features of Service GPT

1. Service Replies

Service Replies in Salesforce Service GPT utilizes real-time CRM data to generate personalized responses automatically during customer interaction. 

Here’s what happens: When a customer starts typing their question, Service GPT examines the content and pulls relevant data from your CRM. 

It proposes several tailored responses, letting you pick the best one to send back. 

This speeds up your response times and ensures every reply is on point and personalized.

2. Work Summaries

Service GPT’s Work Summaries make customer service documentation a breeze.

AI allows Service GPT to create precise summaries of every customer interaction.

It automatically captures vital details from each conversation, like the problem, solution, and other important notes.

What's the real advantage here? These summaries save your reps the drudgery of manual documentation and ensure that no critical information slips through the cracks. 

They also provide a clear historical reference that's invaluable for maintaining consistent service quality and preparing for future customer interactions.

3. Knowledge Base Management

Service GPT can breathe new life into how organizations maintain their support content. 

The AI-driven system continuously analyzes customer interactions, pinpointing trends and common queries. 

It then updates the existing knowledge article database and suggests new content, ensuring that your support materials are current and highly relevant. Service GPT can even generate entirely new articles based on frequently encountered customer inquiries.

This proactive approach helps in resolving customer issues faster and more efficiently, significantly enhancing the customer support experience​ 

4. Case Classification

This feature significantly boosts agent productivity by automatically categorizing customer queries. 

It assesses incoming cases and classifies them based on content and context, directing them to the appropriate support channels or agents. 

This streamlined process ensures faster response times and more focused handling of customer needs​.

5. Customer Sentiment Analysis

Service GPT uses Salesforce AI to analyze customer interactions and gauge emotions and satisfaction levels

This helps support teams adjust their communication style and strategies based on the customer's sentiments.

Now, the big question is…

Is Service GPT Free?

Service GPT is not a free tool. It’s a set of generative AI features that are part of the “Einstein for Service” module, a paid add-on to the Service Cloud.

Who Can Purchase Einstein for Service? (+ Prices)

It’s available to users of Salesforce Service Cloud's Enterprise or Unlimited editions. That said, some Service GPT features, like Case Classification, come bundled with these editions.

As of April 2024, Einstein for Service add-on starts at $75 per user per month. It includes unlimited access to features like Service Replies and Work Summaries.

But how do you use Service GPT? Here’s a quick guide.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Use Service Replies and Work Summaries 

A. Service Replies (For Administrators and Service Reps)

Step 1: Open the Salesforce Service Console and ensure you're set to "Online" on the Omni Channel to receive chats.

Step 2: Guide your customer to initiate a chat through the self-service page.

Step 3: As the customer types, Service Replies will automatically generate response options in the top right corner of your chat window.

Step 4: Review the suggested responses. You can choose to:

  • Post the response directly to the customer without edits.
  • Edit the suggested response before sending it.

Step 5: Throughout the interaction, provide helpful responses to the customer. Use the "Not Helpful" button on inaccurate or irrelevant responses. This feedback helps Service Replies improve future recommendations.

B. Work Summaries

Step 1: You must conclude the chat conversation to activate Work Summaries.

Step 2: Once the chat is closed, Service GPT will summarize the conversation on the right side under "Case Summarization." This summary includes:

  • Summary Field: A concise overview of the conversation's topic.
  • Issues Field: A brief description of the customer's issue.
  • Resolution Field: Details of the solution provided to the customer.

Step 3: Click "Save" to ensure the case record reflects the automatically generated summary. You can then access this information within the "Details" section of the case.

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Potential Benefits of Salesforce Service GPT

Service GPT packs a punch for your Salesforce Service Cloud, offering generative AI capabilities similar to Azure OpenAI service models (like GPT 3.5). 

Buckle up as we dive into how this generative AI tool can empower your service team and skyrocket your organization's customer service performance:

  • Improved Efficiency: Service Replies automate repetitive responses, freeing agents to focus on complex issues. Work Summaries eliminate manual documentation, streamlining workflows. This reduces overall effort and allows agents to handle more cases.
  • Faster Resolution Times: Integrating with Salesforce’s Data Cloud to generate real-time responses and solutions, Service GPT helps resolve customer queries much faster than traditional methods. Quick resolution increases customer satisfaction and turns support into a smooth, rapid process.
  • Enhanced Knowledge Base: Service GPT continuously updates the company’s knowledge base with new insights and resolutions. This dynamic updating ensures that all service agents have the latest information at their fingertips, reducing the time spent searching for solutions and maintaining the knowledge base. These AI generated insights can also assist in generating impactful sales emails that resonate with prospects and clients.
  • Enterprise-Level Data Security: Service GPT is backed by Salesforce Einstein GPT Trust Layer, ensuring that all data handled by the system is secure and compliant with enterprise-level standards. The Einstein GPT Trust Layer protects sensitive customer information and helps businesses meet their regulatory obligations.

While Service GPT offers significant advantages, it's essential for potential customers to acknowledge its limitations to ensure realistic expectations.

Limitations of Salesforce Service GPT

  • Service GPT, like other AI models based on the GPT architecture, relies heavily on the data it's trained on. In some cases, this data may not fully represent complex customer interactions or rare scenarios, which can limit the AI's response accuracy and require ongoing updates and training to refine its capabilities.
  • While Service GPT excels at automating routine tasks, it can't fully capture the human element of customer service. Complex issues or emotionally charged situations may still require a skilled agent's ability to personalize the interaction and build rapport with the customer.
  • Integrating Service GPT into your service ops requires an adjustment period for service representatives. Mastering new functionalities and adapting workflows may involve initial training and practice to ensure efficient utilization of this new tool.

Now, you may be wondering…

Is Service GPT Right for Your Business?

The ideal Service GPT customers include:

  • Large Enterprises: Companies with extensive customer service operations, such as e-commerce, telecommunications, and finance, can benefit from Service GPT due to its ability to handle large volumes of queries efficiently​​.
  • Customer-Centric Businesses: Retail, hospitality and other customer-focused industries can leverage Service GPT to deliver personalized and timely support, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Resource-Constrained Teams: Smaller businesses or startups with limited customer service teams can use Service GPT to handle basic inquiries, freeing human agents for more complex issues​.

Other FAQs Related to Service GPT

1. How Does Service GPT Differ from Sales GPT?

Think of them as specialist teammates within the Salesforce AI ecosystem. 

Service GPT integrates with Salesforce Service Cloud, empowering your service agents by automating repetitive tasks within chats and enhancing knowledge bases for faster issue resolution. 

Sales GPT, on the other hand, is designed for Sales Cloud and helps sales teams personalize sales emails and automate workflows to close deals faster.

2. How Does Service GPT Differ from Chatbots?

Chatbots typically rely on pre-programmed responses or decision trees. 

In contrast, Service GPT leverages AI to understand customer queries and generate dynamic responses based on context and past interactions. 

This allows for a more natural and adaptable customer support conversation compared to traditional chatbots.

3. What Is Field Service GPT, and How Does it Differ from Service GPT?

Field Service GPT is an extension of Service GPT specifically designed for mobile workforces. 

It equips technicians or field service workers with crucial customer and service contexts before appointments through its mobile work briefing feature.  

While Service GPT focuses on agent interactions, Field Service GPT empowers technicians for on-site success.

4. Can Service GPT Handle Complex Customer Inquiries?

Service GPT excels at automating routine tasks and suggesting relevant knowledge article database. 

However, complex issues or emotionally charged situations may still require a skilled agent's ability to understand nuances and personalize the interaction.

5. How Does Service GPT Impact Agent Jobs?

Service GPT augments, not replaces, agents.

Automating repetitive tasks and providing context, it frees agents to focus on complex issues, handle delicate situations, and build stronger customer relationships. 

This shift allows them to leverage their expertise for higher-value interactions.

6. What Are the Emerging Trends and Future Outlook for AI in Customer Service?

Thanks to rapid advancements in AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing, customer service is on the cusp of an overhaul. 

Here's an overview of key trends and their implications for your business:

  • Proactive Customer Service: A Servion Global Solutions study predicts that AI will power 95% of customer interactions by 2025. This signifies a shift towards AI anticipating customer needs and offering solutions before issues arise, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing support workload.
  • Seamless Multi-Channel Integration: Managing multiple support channels (email, phone, social media) could soon be a thing of the past. AI will likely blend these channels, ensuring a consistent and positive customer experience regardless of their preferred communication method.
  • Human-AI Collaboration: The focus is on augmenting human skills with AI, enriching the role of customer service agents with advanced analytics and support tools.

Boost Your Sales and Service Efficiency with Scratchpad and Service GPT

Service GPT enhances Salesforce Service Cloud by integrating AI to automate and personalize customer interactions. Our handy guide is the perfect jumping-off point if you're eyeing Service GPT for your service operations. 

But remember, it might not be a one-size-fits-all solution. You'll need to weigh your budget against the awesome features it offers.

Speaking of awesome features, Scratchpad is a must-have AI-powered sidekick for businesses looking to optimize their sales processes.

This Salesforce plug-in streamlines pipeline management, helping you forecast revenue with precision. With an AI Sales Assistant and a unified workspace, seamless sales operations are just a click away. 

Moreover, its a fraction of the cost of Salesforce's AI solutions, makes it an accessible option for businesses of all sizes, especially if you’re not a large enterprise.