What Is Einstein GPT? 5 Features to Use + 7 Benefits

What Is Salesforce Einstein GPT and What Does It Do?

Salesforce Einstein GPT integrates generative AI technologies, specifically Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models, into the Salesforce ecosystem to boost CRM, sales, marketing, and customer service functions. 

It aims to automate routine tasks, personalize customer interactions, and offer actionable insights, thereby enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. By leveraging the capabilities of GPT models, Einstein GPT serves as an intelligent assistant within Salesforce — optimizing customer engagement and streamlining business processes.

Now, you’re probably wondering:

How Much Does Einstein GPT Cost?

Salesforce Einstein GPT is priced at $50 per user per month, both for Sales GPT within the Sales Cloud Einstein and for Service GPT within the Service Cloud Einstein packages. 

This pricing applies unless you have the Salesforce Unlimited edition, in which case Sales Cloud Einstein and Service Cloud Einstein are already included. 

The package includes a limited number of Einstein GPT credits, although Salesforce doesn’t detail the specifics on how many credits are included and how they are used.

So, what are the key features of Einstein GPT that revolutionize CRM technology?

5 Key Features of Einstein GPT

Below are the transformative features of Einstein GPT that redefine the way businesses improve customer satisfaction and operational insights:

1. Seamless CRM Integration

One of the strongest features of Einstein GPT is its seamless integration with Salesforce CRM. 

This integration ensures that all the AI's capabilities are directly accessible within the CRM platform, enhancing the CRM's functionality with AI-powered tools and insights. This makes it easier for you to adopt and benefit from AI, as it works hand-in-hand with the sales tools you're already using.

2. Valuable Data Insights

Einstein GPT provides deep insights into customer data, market trends, and business performance. By leveraging AI to analyze and interpret large datasets, you can uncover valuable insights that might not be apparent through traditional analysis methods. These insights can inform decision-making, strategy adjustments, and help identify new opportunities.

3. Improved Sentiment Analysis

The AI's ability to understand and analyze the sentiment behind customer communications is more advanced than ever. This enhanced sentiment analysis helps you gauge customer satisfaction and mood more accurately — enabling you to respond to feedback effectively and adjust strategies as needed. 

Additionally, improved sentiment analysis makes it easier for leaders to see where their reps' deals stand — providing a better context of the details of each deal in the pipeline.

4. Advanced Text Generation Capabilities

Einstein GPT excels in generating high-quality text for a variety of applications — from drafting personalized content and email responses to creating detailed report summaries. This allows you to automate time-consuming tasks, ensuring that communications are both efficient and tailored to the recipient's needs.

5. Multilingual Support

Einstein GPT offers extensive language capabilities, making it possible to interact with customers and analyze CRM data across different languages. This feature ensures that you can serve a broader audience without language barriers that affect customer service or data interpretation.

Now, let's shift our focus to the range of Einstein GPT products that are tailored to enhance different aspects of the Salesforce ecosystem.

5 Einstein GPT Products That Transform the Salesforce Ecosystem

Here’s a suite of Einstein GPT products that redefine how businesses engage with and understand their customers:

1. Einstein GPT for Sales

Einstein GPT for Sales leverages AI to enhance the sales process by automating tasks, generating insights from customer data, and personalizing interactions. This Einstein AI product can draft emails, prepare reports, and provide recommendations to help sales teams sell more effectively. 

The Einstein GPT for Sales generative AI tool integrates seamlessly with the Salesforce CRM — ensuring that all customer interactions and data insights are centralized and easily accessible.

2. Einstein GPT for Marketing

The Einstein Marketing GPT uses generative AI to create targeted marketing content, analyze campaign performance, and offer personalized customer journeys. This Salesforce Einstein AI product can generate a wide range of content — from social media posts to email marketing campaigns that are tailored to the audience's preferences. 

Additionally, the Einstein Marketing GPT offers deep insights into marketing campaign effectiveness — allowing marketers to optimize strategies in real time.

3. Einstein GPT for Service

Einstein GPT for Service transforms customer service by providing AI-generated responses to inquiries, automating service case management, and analyzing customer sentiment. This Einstein AI product enables faster resolution of customer issues by suggesting the best responses to service agents and summarizing customer interaction histories for a more personalized service experience.

Additionally, the tool helps with knowledge article creation, which focuses on generating articles based on real-time data. Consequently, every knowledge article you create using this tool always remains relevant and up-to-date.

4. Einstein GPT for Developers

The Einstein GPT for Developers generative AI tool is designed to help with coding, debugging, and integrating Salesforce applications. This Salesforce Einstein AI product can generate code snippets, suggest solutions to common development challenges, and provide best practices for Salesforce development. 

Also, this Salesforce AI product aims to streamline the development process — making it faster and more efficient to build and deploy Salesforce applications.

5. Einstein GPT for Slack

The Einstein Slack GPT enriches communication within Slack by offering AI-powered summaries of conversations, generating responses, and automating routine inquiries. This Salesforce AI product is designed to improve workflow efficiency by reducing the need to manually sift through messages. 

The Einstein Slack GPT product enables quicker decision-making through summarized information and automated responses.

Okay… So what are the advantages of using these Einstein GPT tools?

7 Key Benefits of Using Einstein GPT Products

Let’s walk you through the essential benefits of deploying Einstein GPT products within your Salesforce operations:

  • Personalized Customer Interactions: By analyzing customer data, Einstein GPT tailors communications to individual preferences — improving customer experience and leading to more meaningful and effective interactions.
  • Improved Productivity: The tool automates the creation of emails, reports, and other documents — freeing up employees to focus on higher-value tasks.
  • Improved Decision Making: Einstein GPT provides insights from complex data analyses — aiding strategic decision-making with actionable intelligence.
  • Enhanced Content Creation: The tool simplifies the generation of marketing content and business communications — ensuring consistency and quality while saving time.
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Generates detailed analytics and reports — offering a comprehensive view of business performance and customer engagement metrics.
  • Cost Efficiency and Increased ROI: By automating tasks and optimizing marketing and sales strategies through Einstein GPT, you can reduce operational costs and increase your return on investment — making resources go further.
  • Competitive Advantage: By using artificial intelligence to personalize customer experience and make data-driven decisions, you can make your offerings more compelling and gain a significant advantage over your competitors.

Now, let’s uncover the various strategies for leveraging the potential of Einstein GPT within your Salesforce environment.

11 Best Practices for Maximizing Success With Einstein GPT Integration

Here's how to unlock the full potential of Einstein GPT to streamline workflows, enrich customer interaction, and derive actionable insights:

  • Understand Your Needs: Clearly define what you hope to achieve with Einstein GPT within your organization, whether it's improving customer service, enhancing sales processes, or streamlining marketing efforts.
  • Data Preparation and Privacy: Ensure your data is clean, well-organized, and ready for AI analysis. Prioritize customer data privacy and comply with regulations like GDPR or CCPA.
  • Training and Customization: Take advantage of Salesforce's training materials and customization options for Einstein GPT to tailor the AI’s responses and functionalities to your specific business needs.
  • Integration Planning: Carefully plan the integration of Einstein GPT with existing Salesforce solutions and other business systems to ensure seamless operation and data exchange.
  • Iterative Implementation: Start with a pilot program to test Einstein GPT’s capabilities and impacts on a smaller scale before a full rollout. This will make it easy for you to make adjustments based on initial feedback.
  • Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of Einstein GPT and use analytics to optimize its use, such as refining AI models based on outcomes and user feedback.
  • Employee Training and Adoption: Educate your team on how to use Einstein GPT effectively, focusing on the benefits and changes to workflows to ensure high adoption rates.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop with users to collect insights on Einstein GPT’s performance and areas for improvement, ensuring the tool evolves with your business needs.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with Salesforce updates and new features for Einstein GPT to continuously enhance your AI capabilities and maintain a competitive edge.
  • Security Measures: Implement robust security measures to protect your data and AI models, ensuring that the integration of Einstein GPT complies with your organization’s security policies.
  • Collaborate with Salesforce Representatives: Engage with Salesforce support and communities for insights, best practices, and troubleshooting during and after the integration process.

Now, although Einstein GPT is powerful and innovative, it also comes with a couple of disadvantages.

3 Potential Drawbacks of Using Einstein GPT

The downsides of integrating Einstein GPT into Salesforce include:

  • High Costs for Small Businesses: Implementing and running sophisticated AI tools like Einstein GPT can be costly, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses. The investment includes not only the software costs but also training and potentially increased data processing needs.
  • Potential Data Quality Issues: The effectiveness of artificial intelligence predictions and insights heavily depends on the quality of the underlying data. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate outputs — impacting decision-making and customer interactions.
  • Complexity and Learning Curve: The integration and optimization of Einstein GPT within business processes can be complex, requiring a significant learning curve for teams not familiar with generative AI technology.

Need an easier-to-use AI-powered tool that simplifies your processes in Salesforce?

Look no further than Scratchpad!

Scratchpad: An AI-Powered Tool That Streamlines Your Sales Processes

Scratchpad is a Salesforce add-on designed to help sales teams streamline workflows, understand what’s changed in their pipeline and why, and improve collaboration to close more deals. 

It offers a modern interface for managing sales data, notes, tasks, and pipelines that are always connected to the Salesforce platform — which enhances the entire sales process.

Here are the benefits of using Scratchpad:

  • AI Sales Assistant: The Scratchpad Sales AI Assistant monitors your virtual sales calls, automatically updates Salesforce with crucial details (like MEDDIC, next steps, and more), generates easily shareable call summaries, and transforms these conversations into valuable insights. This streamlines your sales processes by reducing manual data entry and providing clear, actionable intelligence.
  • Unified Sales Workspace: Scratchpad combines sales notes, tasks, Kanban boards, and more in one place — offering sales reps and managers a centralized hub for managing all sales activities.
  • Data Accuracy and Insight: Accurate and up-to-date sales data is crucial for effective prospecting. Scratchpad helps sales leaders and reps maintain high-quality data in Salesforce, which in turn enables better analysis, segmentation, and targeting of prospects based on reliable information.
  • Zero Boards: Scratchpad provides daily to-do lists so that sales reps or managers never forget to follow up on leads and/or opportunities in the pipeline.

Still have more questions about Einstein GPT? Let’s demystify them. 

4 FAQs About Einstein GPT

Let’s explore some of the capabilities of Einstein GPT through the answers to a few frequently asked questions: 

1. What Is the Difference Between Einstein GPT and ChatGPT?

Einstein GPT and ChatGPT are both powered by OpenAI's technology but serve distinct purposes. Einstein GPT is integrated into Salesforce's CRM system — focusing on leveraging corporate data for personalized content creation, communication, and insights. 

It’s ideal for businesses seeking to enhance their CRM capabilities. Meanwhile, ChatGPT is a general-purpose conversational AI capable of a wide range of interactions and content generation, not tied to any specific corporate data or system.

The main distinction lies in Einstein GPT's ability to access real-time CRM data and generate content tailored to business needs, while ChatGPT's strengths lie in its versatile conversational capabilities across various topics and scenarios​​​​.

2. What Is the Einstein GPT Trust Layer and How Does It Work?

The Einstein GPT Trust Layer is a security framework within Salesforce designed to protect data privacy and enhance the reliability of AI-generated content. It incorporates several mechanisms to ensure the responsible use of AI, including data privacy guardrails, accuracy improvements, and security features — enabling businesses to leverage generative AI technology safely and effectively.

Its features include auditing for transparency and compliance, data masking to protect sensitive customer information, and secure data retrieval to safely use business data without compromising security. It also includes toxicity detection to maintain content integrity, dynamic grounding to enhance AI's understanding and relevance, and zero retention to ensure privacy by not storing data post-process.

3. What Is AI Cloud for Einstein GPT and How Does It Work?

The AI Cloud for Einstein GPT, as announced by Marc Benioff in June 2023, offers Salesforce customers a trusted and efficient means to integrate generative AI across the Salesforce Cloud ecosystem. It’s optimized for real-time, trusted, and open generative experiences — enhancing applications and workflows across the Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Sales Cloud, and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

With the introduction of AI Cloud, Salesforce reaffirms its commitment to data privacy and security — addressing concerns through the Einstein GPT Trust Layer and ensuring that sensitive customer information is protected within the Salesforce Data Cloud. 

The Data Cloud, powered by innovations in Einstein GPT, aims to bridge the gap between AI capabilities and Salesforce Cloud products (such as Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Salesforce Financial Services Cloud).

4. How Does Einstein GPT Differ From Einstein Copilot and Einstein Analytics?

Einstein GPT, Einstein Copilot, and Einstein Analytics are all components of Salesforce’s AI capabilities, but they serve different functions within the ecosystem:

  • Einstein GPT: This is a trusted generative AI tool that creates human-like text for emails, insights, and customer service solutions within Salesforce.
  • Einstein Copilot: Acts as an AI assistant within Salesforce, automating tasks and providing recommendations through natural language prompts. As a Salesforce customer, you can access Einstein Copilot by upgrading to the Einstein 1 Editions of Salesforce, which bundle Data Cloud, AI, and CRM into a unified offering.
  • Einstein Analytics: Analyzes business data within Salesforce to offer predictive insights and data-driven decision-making support.

It’s Time to Future-Proof Your CRM With the Right Tools!

As we've explored, Einstein GPT is reshaping the way businesses can leverage AI to enhance customer relationships and operational agility. Some of the benefits of this trusted generative AI tool include providing deep personalization and insightful analytics.

But if you’re looking for an easy-to-use and AI-powered tool that streamlines sales processes on Salesforce, then Scratchpad is the answer. This tool generates easily shareable call summaries, centralizes sales tasks, ensures data accuracy, organizes daily activities, and much more. 

So, are you ready to navigate the future of CRM?

Try Scratchpad for free today!