Top 20 Sales Methodologies + How to Choose the Right One

What Is a Sales Methodology?

A sales methodology is a framework that outlines the approach, techniques, and processes a sales team follows to engage with prospects and close deals. It typically includes steps or stages that guide sales professionals through the customer's buying journey — helping them to consistently and effectively move leads through the sales pipeline to conversion.

Additionally, a sales methodology often incorporates the qualification factors of a prospective buyer — providing a deeper understanding of who they are and assessing their suitability as a good fit for the product or service. 

This aspect of a sales methodology helps in tailoring strategies to meet the specific needs and decision-making processes of each potential customer.

Now that you understand the basics, let’s tackle a critical question:

Should You Use a Sales Methodology in Your Business? (6 Benefits to Consider)

If you’re considering integrating a dedicated sales methodology, here are some key benefits you can expect:

  • Structured Approach: A sales methodology provides a clearly defined process for sales activities. This allows sales reps and sales managers to follow a repeatable sequence of steps that enhance the management and predictability of sales outcomes. Also, this structure helps sales reps and managers identify sales performance gaps and optimize strategies accordingly.
  • Enhanced Training and Onboarding: A standardized sales methodology facilitates easier and more effective training for new hires. It gives them a concrete framework to understand their roles and responsibilities — reducing the learning curve and helping them become productive more quickly.
  • Consistency in Sales Interactions: A sales method ensures that all team members use the same tactics and communication styles when interacting with potential and existing customers. This consistency helps in building a reliable brand image and improves the overall customer experience. It also facilitates the evaluation of sales team members and enables more accurate forecasting. When everyone adheres to the same strategy, it simplifies data analysis for predicting which deals are likely to close. This also helps determine if certain salespeople are the right fit for your company.
  • Alignment with Customer Needs: By using a methodology that emphasizes understanding and addressing customer pain points, sales teams can offer solutions that are more closely aligned with what the customer actually needs. This alignment increases the likelihood of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: A well-implemented sales methodology guides sales reps and sales managers in effectively nurturing leads through each stage of the sales funnel. This systematic nurturing increases the chances of converting prospects into customers by ensuring no steps are missed, and every opportunity is maximized.
  • Competitive Advantage: Adopting a robust sales methodology provides a significant edge over competitors by enabling a more strategic selling system. It differentiates your organization in a crowded market, potentially leading to greater market share and enhanced profitability.

So, what are the innovative sales methodologies that can transform your organization?

Top 20 Sales Methodologies to Consider in 2024

Here are the key sales methods that could be essential for your team’s sales success:


MEDDIC is a sales methodology that stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion. It’s designed to help sales teams understand and influence the key factors in a complex B2B sales process.


This approach is highly effective in qualifying prospects thoroughly, ensuring that sales efforts are focused on the most promising leads. It promotes a deeper understanding of the customer's organization and their specific needs, which can lead to more personalized sales strategies.


MEDDIC can be quite rigid and may not adapt well to every sales scenario, particularly in less structured or more dynamic markets. It also requires significant training and knowledge acquisition, which can be a barrier for new sales teams.


MEDDPICC expands on the MEDDIC framework by including two additional components: Paper Process and Implications of Pain. This methodology aims to provide an even more comprehensive understanding of the sales process and customer requirements.


MEDDPICC allows for an even more detailed qualification of potential deals, helping to reduce the risk of pursuing unprofitable opportunities. The added elements encourage salespeople to consider the wider implications of the deal, leading to more strategic selling and decision-making.


The complexity of MEDDPICC can lead to longer sales cycles as teams spend more time gathering and analyzing information. This complexity might also overwhelm newer or less experienced salespeople.

3. Gap Selling

Gap Selling is centered around identifying and exploiting the “gap” between the current state of a prospect’s situation and their desired state. This methodology focuses on understanding the customer's problems and presenting the product or service as the solution.


This method is very customer-centric, focusing heavily on customer needs and how the product can meet those needs. It naturally leads to a consultative selling style that can build strong customer relationships and high customer satisfaction.


Gap Selling requires that salespeople have a deep understanding of the customer's industry and challenges, which can require extensive research and preparation. It might also be less effective in transactional sales or where customers are not well-versed in their own needs.

4. Value Based Selling

Value based selling focuses on highlighting the value of a product or service, not just its features. It encourages sales teams to align the product’s strengths with the customer's key business drivers.


This approach helps in communicating the direct benefits of a product, making it easier for the customer to justify a purchase decision. It's particularly effective in competitive markets where differentiation through features alone is difficult.


The success of Value Selling heavily depends on the ability of salespeople to clearly articulate the value proposition, which can vary widely in effectiveness. It also requires a deep understanding of the customer’s business, which can be a challenge to obtain.

5. Solution Selling

Solution Selling is a process designed to drive sales by focusing on customer pain points and presenting products or services as solutions. It involves a detailed discovery phase to uncover these pain points and tailor the sales approach accordingly.


The Solution Selling system is very adaptable to different sales environments and customer needs, and it provides a flexible framework that focuses on problem-solving. It is effective in creating a strong alignment between the customer's issues and the offered solutions.


Solution Selling can sometimes lead to a longer sales cycle due to the extensive discovery phase. Additionally, if not properly managed, it can result in the over-customization of solutions, complicating the sales process and product delivery.

6. Sandler Sales Methodology

The Sandler Sales Methodology emphasizes a balanced conversation between the sales professional and the customer, focusing on mutual discovery and problem-solving rather than a hard sell. It encourages salespeople to act as trusted advisors rather than just vendors.


The Sandler selling system fosters strong, long-term customer relationships by prioritizing trust and credibility. It also helps in avoiding the discomfort of traditional sales tactics, promoting a more comfortable interaction for both parties.


The Sandler selling system requires ongoing sales training and skill development, which can be resource-intensive. It may also be less effective in quick, one-time sales scenarios where deeper relationships are not as crucial.

7. Target Account Selling

Target Account Selling is a structured approach designed to help sales teams focus on key accounts that have the highest potential for revenue generation. It involves detailed account planning and stakeholder management.


This method is particularly effective in maximizing sales efficiency and resource allocation. It helps in creating tailored strategies for high-value accounts, potentially leading to larger deals and better ROI.


The focus on a limited number of accounts can lead to vulnerabilities if those accounts do not perform as expected. It may also neglect smaller but potentially profitable opportunities.

8. SPIN Selling

SPIN Selling is based on four types of questions — Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff. These questions guide conversations and uncover the client’s core needs. 

Ultimately, this method aims to understand and address the specific challenges faced by customers.


The SPIN Selling system is highly effective in complex sales environments where understanding detailed customer needs is crucial. It promotes thoughtful and consultative interactions, often leading to more meaningful sales pitches.


This method can be time-consuming and may require extensive sales training to execute effectively. It also depends heavily on the customer's willingness to engage deeply, which is not always guaranteed.

9. Command of the Sale

Command of the Sale is a sales methodology that focuses on maintaining control over the B2C or B2B sales process. It involves clear mapping of the customer journey and proactive management of each stage to guide the prospect toward a purchase.


This approach ensures a structured and predictable sales process, which can improve efficiency and forecasting accuracy. It also helps in maintaining momentum and direction in the sales cycle.


It can be perceived as too controlling or aggressive, potentially putting off some customers. This method also requires a high level of discipline and organization, which may be challenging to maintain.

10. Customer-Centric Selling (CCS)

Customer-Centric Selling focuses on understanding and meeting the specific needs of the customer, using tailored messages and solutions to address those needs. It encourages salespeople to become trusted advisors rather than just product pushers.


Customer Centric Selling is effective in building strong customer relationships and loyalty, leading to repeat business and referrals. It aligns well with modern buyer expectations, who often prefer a more personalized buying experience.


Customer Centric Selling can require significant time investment in customer relationship management and personalized solution development, which may not always be feasible in high-volume sales environments.

11. The Challenger Sales Method

The Challenger Sales Method is based on the idea of challenging the customer’s preconceptions during the sales process. It encourages salespeople to take control of the conversation and push customers to think differently about their needs.


The Challenger Sale method is particularly effective in complex sales environments where differentiation from competitors is crucial. Challengers tend to deliver insights that add value, helping to build a strong case for why their solution is the best choice.


It can be risky, as challenging a customer’s beliefs might backfire, especially if not done tactfully. This method also demands a high level of market knowledge and confidence, which can be challenging for less experienced salespeople.

12. Signal Based Selling

Signal Based Selling focuses on identifying and responding to customer "signals" or cues during the sales process. These signals can be verbal, non-verbal, or based on customer actions, guiding the sales approach in real-time.


This method allows for highly responsive and adaptive selling, which can increase sales effectiveness in dynamic environments. It helps salespeople to be more attuned to customer responses and adjust their strategies accordingly.


Signal Based Selling requires acute observation and interpretation skills, which can be difficult to develop. It also risks the misinterpretation of signals, potentially leading to misaligned sales tactics.

13. Inbound Selling

Inbound Selling aligns with inbound marketing strategies, focusing on attracting customers through content, social media, and SEO to initiate sales conversations. It prioritizes customers who show interest through engagement with created content.


This method aligns with modern buying habits and can generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert to sales. It is cost-effective over time, reducing the need for aggressive outbound marketing tactics.


Inbound Selling can be slow to show results and heavily depends on the effectiveness of the marketing content. It also requires a strong alignment between marketing and sales teams, which can be challenging to achieve.

14. Social Selling

Social Selling involves using social media platforms to directly connect with and sell to customers. It leverages networks like LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook to foster relationships and enhance sales efforts.


This method can significantly expand reach and allow salespeople to connect with prospects in a less formal, more engaging environment. It is particularly effective in building personal brands and thought leadership.


Social Selling requires consistent content creation and online engagement, which can be resource-intensive. It also risks blending personal and professional boundaries, which can be tricky to manage.

15. Conceptual Selling

Conceptual Selling focuses on aligning the sales process with the customer's concepts and understanding of their problems. It involves detailed customer research and customized presentations that resonate with their specific situation.


This method helps create highly tailored solutions that better meet customer needs, leading to higher satisfaction and conversion rates. It also encourages deep understanding and strategic thinking in the sales process.


Conceptual Selling can be complex and time-consuming, requiring significant preparation for each sales interaction. It also demands high creativity and strategic insight, which may be challenging under pressure.

16. Consultative Selling

Consultative Selling focuses on building a long-term relationship with the customer, positioning the sales professional as a consultant rather than just a vendor. This method is based on understanding the customer's business, needs, and challenges to offer tailored solutions.


It fosters deep customer relationships and trust, which can lead to repeat business and referrals. This approach also helps in uncovering and addressing complex customer needs, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


When using Consultative Selling, you’ll require significant time and effort to understand customer needs and craft bespoke solutions. This may not be feasible in high-volume transactional environments. This sales method also demands high expertise and continuous learning.

17. Transactional Selling

Transactional Selling focuses on quick, one-time sales without a significant emphasis on customer relationships. It is commonly used in environments where customers make purchasing decisions based on price and product features rather than relationships or services.


This method is efficient and scalable, suitable for markets with low differentiation between products and high sales volumes. It can be highly effective when price competition is the primary driver of customer decisions.


It often leads to lower customer loyalty and higher churn rates, as the focus is not on building long-term relationships. Transactional Selling can also struggle in markets where service and support are important differentiators.

18. NEAT

NEAT Selling stands for Needs, Economic impact, Access to authority, and Timeline. This sales framework helps salespeople focus on the most important aspects of a deal to improve efficiency and sales effectiveness.


NEAT Selling provides a clear and concise framework that can help in prioritizing sales efforts and improving deal qualification. It's particularly useful for aligning sales strategies with customer priorities and decision-making processes.


This method might overlook the softer aspects of selling, such as relationship building and customer experience, which can be crucial in some markets. It requires accurate and often detailed upfront information, which may not always be available.

19. SNAP

SNAP Selling is designed for selling to busy customers, emphasizing the need to be Simple, iNvaluable, Aligned, and Prioritize (SNAP). It helps salespeople cut through the noise and quickly capture the attention of prospects.


This method is effective in fast-paced selling environments where decision-makers have limited time. It helps salespeople to communicate value quickly and efficiently, making it easier for customers to make decisions.


SNAP Selling can sometimes oversimplify complex solutions, potentially leading to gaps in customer understanding or expectations. It requires highly skilled communication to balance simplicity with the need to convey sufficient value.

20. SaaS (Selling as a Science)

SaaS, or Selling as a Science, approaches sales with a data-driven and analytical methodology. It emphasizes using data to understand customer behaviors and preferences to optimize sales strategies and processes.


This method leverages data to make informed decisions, which can improve targeting, customization, and timing of sales efforts. It's highly effective in environments where large amounts of customer data are available and actionable.


SaaS can be resource-intensive, requiring sophisticated data analysis capabilities and tools. It may also lead to over-reliance on data, potentially overlooking the human elements that are critical in many sales situations.

Clearly, there are tons of sales methods you can use to take your business to greater heights.

But then, how do you pick the right one?

8 Tips to Help You Choose a Relevant Sales Methodology for Your Team

The kind of sales methodology you pick can make or break your team's performance. Now, here are the tips to ensure you make a wise selection:  

  • Understand Your Sales Cycle: Analyze the length and complexity of your sales cycle. Different methodologies work better for different types of sales cycles, whether they are short and transactional or long and complex.
  • Assess Your Team's Strengths and Weaknesses: Consider the sales skills and experience of your sales team. Some methodologies may require a higher level of skill or a different sales approach that might not fit well with your team’s current capabilities.
  • Align With Your Customer's Buying Process: Choose a methodology that matches how your customers prefer to buy. Understanding the customer's journey can help you select a methodology that aligns with their expectations and buying behaviors.
  • Consider Your Product or Service: The nature of your product or service also impacts the suitability of a sales methodology. For complex solutions, methodologies that emphasize value and consultation might be more effective.
  • Consider Your Company Goals and Objectives: Ensure that the sales methodology supports your broader business objectives. Whether it’s increasing conversion rates, shortening the sales cycle, or improving customer satisfaction, your chosen methodology should help you achieve these goals.
  • Plan for Training and Implementation: Evaluate how easy it is to train your team on the methodology. Consider the resources and time you can dedicate to training and embedding the methodology into your team’s daily activities.
  • Facilitate Feedback and Adaptability: Choose a methodology that can evolve with your business and market conditions. It should allow for feedback and adjustments as you learn what works best for your team and customers.
  • Analyze Competitor Strategies: Be aware of your competitors' methodologies. Understanding this can help you or a sales representative differentiate your company’s sales approach. This can also help you improve upon the strategies that are working well in your market.

Now, let’s explore some tips to help you make the most out of your desired sales method.

3 Best Practices for Implementing an Effective Sales Methodology

As we’ve explored, implementing an effective sales methodology is crucial for sales success. Now, here are three best practices to ensure your approach is both strategic and impactful:

  • Customize Your Sales Methodology: Customize the chosen methodology to fit the unique aspects of your organization, including your sales team's structure, the market environment, and customer profiles. This ensures the sales methodology resonates more effectively with your team and your target audience.
  • Measure and Analyze Performance: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the sales methodology to monitor its effectiveness and impact on sales performance. Regularly analyze these metrics to identify areas for improvement and to make informed adjustments to the methodology and training.
  • Integrate With CRM and Tools: Integrate the sales methodology with your existing CRM systems and sales tools. This helps in tracking the effectiveness of the methodology, provides data for further refinement, and ensures consistency in its application across all sales processes. For instance, if you’re using Salesforce, you can explore a powerful plugin like Scratchpad to enhance your sales processes.

Scratchpad: A Powerful Tool That Simplifies Your Sales Tasks in Salesforce

Traditional CRMs like Salesforce ‍might often struggle with aspects of pipeline management, particularly in automation capabilities, deal inspection, and forecasting accuracy.

This is where an advanced Salesforce add-on like Scratchpad becomes essential, providing significant advantages in these key areas.

The Scratchpad transformative Chrome extension dramatically enhances the capabilities of your sales teams and revenue operations.

It offers unmatched insights into deal forecasts, sales rep performance, and lead behavior. This allows you to quickly identify potential issues, offer more effective sales coaching, and achieve your goals with exceptional accuracy.

Here are some of the benefits of using Scratchpad:

  • Drives Process Adherence: Scratchpad enhances process adherence by streamlining Salesforce interactions, ensuring sales reps maintain essential processes efficiently. It offers intuitive views and workflow tiles — making it easier to manage and correct data in real-time. The tool also offers automated alerts that highlight missing fields or steps to ensure consistent and accurate execution of sales strategies.
  • AI Sales Assistant: The Scratchpad Sales AI Assistant monitors your virtual sales calls and autonomously updates Salesforce with crucial details (like MEDDIC, next steps, and more). It generates easily shareable sales call summaries and transforms these conversations into valuable insights. This streamlines the sales process by reducing manual data entry and providing every sales rep and sales leader with clear, actionable intelligence.
  • Unified Sales Workspace: Scratchpad combines sales notes, tasks, Kanban boards, and more in one place — making it a centralized hub for managing all sales activities.
  • Data Accuracy and Insight: Accurate and up-to-date sales data is crucial for effective prospecting. Scratchpad helps any sales representative or sales leader maintain high-quality data in Salesforce, which in turn enables better analysis, segmentation, and targeting of prospects based on reliable information.
  • Zero Boards: Scratchpad provides daily to-do lists so that you never forget to follow up on leads and/or opportunities in the pipeline.

Still need clarity on some sales methodology-related questions?

2 FAQs About Sales Methodologies

Here are the answers to the questions you may have about sales methodologies and other sales tactics:

1. What Are the Potential Future Trends That Will Impact Sales Methodologies?

Potential future trends that will impact sales methodologies include the increasing integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which will enable more personalized and efficient sales processes by predicting customer behaviors and automating routine tasks. 

Additionally, the rise of remote and digital-first interactions is likely to shift traditional sales approaches towards virtual engagement and digital communication platforms. This will require sales methodologies to adapt to new communication channels and customer expectations around convenience and speed.

2. Sales Methodology vs Sales Process vs Sales Model: What’s the Difference?

Here’s a breakdown of the differences between sales methodology, sales process, and sales model:

  • Sales Methodology: A sales methodology is a framework or philosophy that guides how salespeople approach each phase of the sales process. It focuses on the techniques and strategies that sales teams use to engage with customers, such as SPIN Selling or the Challenger Sale, emphasizing the "how" of executing sales.
  • Sales Process: The sales process refers to the specific steps or stages that a sales team follows to close a deal, such as prospecting, qualifying leads, presenting, and closing. It's the actionable sequence of events that outlines what salespeople should do at each stage of engaging a potential customer.
  • Sales Model: A sales model defines the overall strategy and structure of the sales organization. It determines how the sales function operates and interacts with other parts of the business, including target markets, sales force structure, and resource allocation. It sets the overarching goals and the framework within which sales processes and methodologies operate.

Drive Business Growth With an Effective Sales Methodology

Implementing the right sales methodology can do wonders for your business. For instance, it can provide a structured approach that aligns closely with the needs of both the sales team and customers.

To make your life easier, we’ve covered the best sales methodologies and tips on how to pick the right one for your business.

Now, if you’re using Salesforce and seek a robust, AI-powered solution to streamline your sales activities, look no further than Scratchpad

Why Scratchpad?

The tool generates easily shareable call summaries, centralizes sales tasks, ensures data accuracy, organizes daily activities, and much more. Essentially, it provides an all-in-one platform for managing your sales activities.

So, try Scratchpad for free and lead your team into the future of sales!