Mastering Value Based Selling in 2024: Insider Tips & Tricks

What Is Value Based Selling?

Value based selling is a sales approach where the sales professional focuses on communicating the unique value their product or service can bring to the customer, rather than just discussing its features or benefits. 

This method emphasizes understanding and addressing the customer's specific needs, challenges, and goals — illustrating how the offered solution can solve their problems and improve their situation. The aim is to demonstrate the product's worth in terms of the tangible results it can deliver, thereby justifying its price and differentiating it from competitors.

Now that you know how this sales method works, let’s check out why it’s worth implementing it.

4 Key Benefits of a Value Based Selling Strategy

Here are the different ways in which this sales tactic can reshape your sales processes:

  • Improved Customer Relationships and Satisfaction: This approach fosters trust and loyalty by aligning the product's benefits with the customer's specific needs and goals — transitioning the sales conversation from transactional to consultative. Now, when you understand and meet customers' needs, you’ll not only deepen relationships but also ensure satisfaction.
  • Increased Sales Efficiency and a Shorter Sales Cycle: By prioritizing engagement with a prospect who will benefit most from the solution, value-based selling not only makes resource use more effective but also accelerates the decision-making process. This clarity in value proposition reduces time spent on negotiations and objections — leading to higher conversion rates, faster deal closures, and a shorter sales cycle.
  • Enhanced Product Differentiation and Better Price Justification: Emphasizing unique value propositions allows companies to distinguish their offerings in crowded markets — focusing the competitive advantage on benefits rather than price. This strategy helps in justifying the product’s price through clear articulation of its specific outcomes and advantages — enhancing the value perception among customers.
  • Increased Revenue and Profitability: Focusing on delivering clear customer value enables companies to command higher prices and improve margins. Customers are more willing to pay a premium for solutions that meet their needs effectively — leading to increased revenue and profitability for the company.

Now, let's tackle the big question:

When Is the Right Time to Use the Value Based Selling Framework?

Apply the value based sales methodology if you find yourself in these situations:

  • Complex Sales Environments: When selling complex products or services, especially those that are high in cost or require a significant change in the customer’s operations. In such cases, focusing on the value helps justify the investment and addresses the customer's specific needs and concerns.
  • Relationship-Oriented Business Environments: Value selling can be an excellent idea if your goal is to establish a long-term relationship with a customer rather than to pursue a one-off sale. This method emphasizes understanding and solving the customer's underlying problems, leading to stronger, more enduring relationships.
  • High-Stakes Purchases: For purchases that represent a significant investment or risk for the buyer. By focusing on the value and the return on investment (ROI) the purchase provides, you can help alleviate the buyer’s concerns and make the decision-making process easier.
  • Knowledge-Driven Purchases: Value-based selling shines in environments where buyers seek not only a product but also expertise and strategic guidance. And by thoroughly educating the buyer, you empower them to champion your solution internally — effectively extending your sales efforts within their organization.

But then, how do you apply the value based approach to your sales processes?

8 Tips for Implementing a Rock-Solid Value Based Selling Strategy

Below are the best practices to help you implement value driven selling and revolutionize your sales approach:

  • Understand Your Customers: Begin with in-depth research to understand your customers' industries, businesses, and specific challenges. This involves not just knowing their needs but also recognizing their strategic goals and how your product or service can help achieve them.
  • Develop a Strong Value Proposition: Craft clear, compelling value propositions that articulate how your product or service uniquely addresses the needs of your potential customer. This should include specific outcomes and benefits that resonate with the customer’s priorities. Incorporate financial incentives into your value proposition by demonstrating how your product or service can positively impact the customer's bottom line. Use data, case studies, and specific examples to show potential cost savings, revenue growth, or efficiency gains, making the financial benefits clear and compelling.
  • Train Your Sales Team: Invest in training your sales team on the principles of value-based selling. The sales training can include developing consultative selling skills, understanding how to communicate value effectively, and tailoring sales approaches to individual customer needs.
  • Engage in Active Listening: Encourage salespeople to practice active listening during a sales conversation to better understand the customer’s needs and tailor the value proposition in real-time. This helps in creating a more personalized and effective sales pitch.
  • Focus on Security and Risk Aversion: Addressing security concerns and risk aversion is crucial in a value based selling approach. Identify and speak to the specific risks your potential customer faces, showing how your solution can mitigate these threats. This provides peace of mind and will position your offering as a necessary safeguard for their business operations.
  • Use Customer Success Stories: Leverage customer success stories (like a testimonial or a case study) to demonstrate how your product or service has delivered value to similar customers. This evidence strengthens your value proposition and builds credibility.
  • Leverage Technology: Use CRM systems, analytics tools, and sales enablement platforms to gather insights, track customer interactions, and personalize the sales approach based on data-driven understandings. For example, if you’re using Salesforce, you can simplify your sales process and implement value based selling using a tool like Scratchpad.
  • Monitor and Adapt: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your value-based selling strategy through feedback loops and sales performance metrics. Be prepared to adapt your approach based on customer feedback and changing market conditions.

Let’s take a look at what a value based sales strategy looks like in real-world scenarios.

3 Examples of a Value Based Selling Strategy

Here are three examples illustrating the application of the value based approach:

1. Customized CRM Solutions

A SaaS company selling CRM software discovers that a prospective client is struggling with low sales team productivity due to using multiple, disjointed tools. The sales team demonstrates how their integrated CRM solution can consolidate these tools into one platform — improving team collaboration and increasing sales productivity by 50%. 

They further illustrate the long-term cost savings and revenue growth potential from such productivity improvements, making a compelling value-based argument.

2. HR Software for Employee Engagement

An HR SaaS platform targets companies experiencing high employee turnover. They present a case study showing how their software has helped similar companies improve employee engagement and satisfaction scores, leading to a significant reduction in turnover rates. 

By emphasizing the cost of turnover and how their solution can save on recruitment and training expenses while fostering a happier workplace, they effectively use value-based selling to address a critical pain point for HR departments.

3. Cloud-Based Analytics Tool for Retail

When selling a cloud-based analytics tool to a retail chain, a SaaS provider focuses on how their software can analyze customer purchasing patterns and inventory levels in real time. They explain how this insight can lead to optimized stock levels, reduced waste, and increased sales through targeted promotions, directly impacting the retailer's bottom line. 

In this value based selling example, the value proposition is tailored around enhancing profitability and customer satisfaction, which are key concerns for the retailer.


Despite being a powerful sales method, value selling comes with a couple of disadvantages.

3 Downsides of Value Based Selling

Let’s explore the various challenges associated with the value based sales methodology:

  • Requires Deep Understanding of Customer Needs: Implementing value-based selling demands a thorough understanding of the customer's business, industry, and specific challenges. This requires significant research and insight gathering, which can be resource-intensive and time-consuming.
  • Requires Advanced Sales Skills: This approach demands a higher level of skill and expertise from salespeople, including the ability to consult, negotiate, and solve problems. Not all teams may be equipped or have the necessary sales training to implement this strategy effectively.
  • May Not Suit All Products or Services: Value-based selling is most effective for solutions that offer clear, differentiable benefits and outcomes. It may not be as effective for commodity products or services with less tangible value differentiation.

Want to optimize your sales processes within Salesforce and implement value driven selling hassle-free?

There’s a tool that can help you out:

Scratchpad: A Powerful Sales Tool That Simplifies Value Based Selling

Traditional CRMs like Salesforce ‍may fall short in pipeline management, particularly in automation capabilities, deal inspection, and forecasting accuracy. All this could make it hard for sales professionals to try innovative sales tactics like value based selling.

This is where an advanced Salesforce add-on like Scratchpad comes into play, offering significant advantages in these key areas.

Scratchpad, a transformative Chrome extension, dramatically enhances the capabilities of your sales teams and revenue operations.

It provides unmatched insights into deal forecasts, sales rep performance, and lead behavior — enabling sales professionals to quickly identify potential issues, offer more effective sales coaching, and achieve their goals with exceptional accuracy.

Here’s how this tool can help you as a sales representative or manager:

  • Zero Boards: Scratchpad provides daily to-do lists so that sales reps or managers never forget to follow up on leads and/or opportunities in the pipeline.
  • Advanced Views for Enhanced Efficiency: The tool allows reps to enhance efficiency with advanced views, simplifying field, object, or next step modifications in Salesforce.
  • Convenient Workflow Tiles: As a sales leader or sales representative, Scratchpad allows you to create convenient workflow tiles that allow you to quickly access vital data.
  • Pipeline Deal Spotlights: Identify gaps in your pipeline with deal spotlights and receive alerts about missing fields to ensure deals align with close dates and forecasts.
  • Salesforce Workflow Integration: Scratchpad allows you, as a sales leader or sales rep, to integrate Salesforce workflows with your notes and easily edit, share, and templatize them for future use.
  • No-Code Slack Automations: This tool allows sales reps and managers to simplify manual processes with no-code Slack automations and improve workflow efficiency.
  • Scratchpad Command Shortcuts: Sales leaders or reps can use simple keyboard shortcuts with Scratchpad Command to make it easy to update Salesforce workflows and create records.
  • AI Sales Assistant for Documentation: Document sales conversations seamlessly with the Scratchpad AI Sales Assistant — an advanced sales call recording feature with AI-assisted notes.

Before we wrap up, let’s demystify some of the additional questions you might have about the value based sales technique.

2 FAQs About Value Based Selling

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the value based sales strategy:

1. What Is the Difference Between Value Based Selling, Solution Selling, and Consultative Selling?

Although value-based selling, solution selling, and consultative selling are often confused, each offers unique advantages. Let's delve into their differences:

  • Value Based Selling: Focuses on highlighting the unique value a product or service offers to the customer, particularly in terms of tangible results and benefits. This approach emphasizes understanding the customer's business goals and demonstrating how the offering can meet those objectives, justifying its price and differentiating it from competitors.
  • Solution Selling: Centers on solving a specific problem that the customer is facing with a tailored solution. Salespeople using this method identify customer needs through deep questioning and then propose solutions that directly address those identified problems, often emphasizing the functionality and capabilities of their offering.
  • Consultative Selling: Involves acting more as an advisor than a traditional sales professional, with a focus on building a strong, trust-based relationship with the customer. This approach requires a deep understanding of the customer’s business, industry, and challenges, offering customized advice and solutions that align with the customer’s strategic goals and needs over time.

2. What Questions Should You Ask Prospects When Implementing Value Based Selling?

Let’s help you master the art of value-based selling by knowing exactly which questions to ask your prospects:

  • To gain insight into the primary goals of your prospect, ask: "Can you outline your primary goals for this year?"
  • To understand what obstacles they're facing, inquire: "Could you describe the key challenges that are currently preventing your progress?"
  • To see how these challenges affect their operations, ask: "How are these obstacles impacting your day-to-day activities?"
  • To identify their most urgent issue, ask: "Which pain point do you need to address as a priority?"
  • To discover what solution they value most, ask: "What type of solution do you feel would create the most significant positive change for your organization?"
  • To gauge their investment readiness, inquire: "What resources are you prepared to dedicate to achieve the right solution?"
  • To connect their long-term vision with your solution, ask: "What is your vision for your business in the next five years, and how do you believe our solutions could support that vision?"

Elevate Your Sales Game With Value Based Selling Techniques

Value based selling is a pathway to building meaningful, long-lasting customer relationships. This powerful sales technique helps you prioritize the delivery of real customer value over merely closing a sale — positioning your business for sustained success and growth.

But then: What’s the best way to implement a value based selling approach if you’re already using Salesforce?

Scratchpad is your go-to solution! This tool enhances your efficiency and workflow, seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, and offers advanced features for pipeline management, forecasting, documentation, and more.

So, try Scratchpad for free today and witness how it can help you streamline your sales process and implement the value based sales strategy with ease.